Integrated health clinic

A quick introduction to what health means for you when you work with me

more videos below explain more!

A description of what we might look at together to find the root cause of why, how and maybe when of your issue

Root cause explorations, resulting in precise, personalised N=1 Integrated Health ​interventions.

What's really different about the approach Cath Knibbs takes to 'regular' therapy or functional health consultations is the N=1 paradigm, based on many years of various training over several disciplines from Biology, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Neuroscience, Functional Health & Nutrigenetics.
Cath realised that many programs out there forget to take the real person in the room fully into account. She decided to do things differently by looking at the persona and issue from the micro to the macro, the molecule to the mind.

This approach includes looking at the history of health, (Including your Ancestors, pre-conception through to date), this also means family dynamics, health patterns, and perhaps even nutrigenetic tests, and synthesising this with a therapeutic approach to supporting a person wholeheartedly, based on their individual story of how they came to be where they are today.

Cath uses a tribal healthcare approach, which includes outsourcing, where needed, for specific functional health tests, various allopathic practitioners ranging from Yogi's, Chiropractors, Nutritionists, Massage to PEMF, Floatation Tanks, and more based on your needs!

Services: for queries regarding these services please email in confidence to not (My VA can see the emails!)

Three systems of creating a whole and how our Mind is created? How the Brain, Heart and Gut work together and how we will discover what is happening for you and where we need to 'look' and work with.

The heart is a powerful organ that can elevate our connection to one another, create our heartfelt feelings and above all often speaks our feelings in terms of how it is functioning on a daily basis. Using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) software and exercises we can work together to get your heart and head speaking the same language.

Why is the gut so important and how does this tie into the approach of Integrated health? Why start here and whats inflammation and how does this affect my overall health?

The brain is said to create the mind. This is the organ of regulation, information and communication between the body and the emerging mind. This is the central hub of maintaining health, where possible and this includes psychological, emotional and physical.

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Functional Health Consultations

These consultations are for DNALife and Functional Health tests. During the consultation we will work together to assess your needs and what testing route we may follow in order for you to take control of your health journey. This approach has accountability at the core and you will be working towards a health goal which you will be tracking with Cath. These sessions can be as regular as you wish or only for test result feedback and advice.

Play and Creative Therapy UNDER 13

This appointment type is for Child work (under 13) and encompasses play mediums such as Gaming, Sandtrays, Play and Creative Media and Toys. This work covers minor Mental health issues (eg Anxiety, Seperated parents or School Avoidance), Psychopathology, Mental Health Disorders, Trauma, Abuse and Cyber related issues. Sessions are weekly, Take place in the office or online and can also be Walk and talk sessions where necessary and Physcial distancing allows (eg lockdowns)

Functional Psychotherapy

This differs to normal Psychotherapy as Cath is bringing her knowledge of Health, Disease, Trauma, Epigenetics, Exercise and Somatics into the process.
During sessions you will discuss more than 'just' emotions and Cath will provide Psycho-education, Resources and you may be invited to undergo Functional Medicine/health testing to get to the root cause at a cellular level so that your healing may be enhanced and provide you with autonomy to make choices in your life.

Catherine has a wealth of knowledge about childhood trauma and abuse through her clinical practice with children and adults. Yet, something was missing from this integrative approach she had trained in. Even after attending many conferences, she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. No matter how much work happened in talk therapy, clients could not fully "talk, bodywork or supplement their way out of trauma." Catherine embarked on a flurry of courses, conferences, and trauma marathons to educate herself and improve her 'toolbox' of methods and interventions.

What you can expect from sessions with Cath

A one to one in-depth conversation over a number of sessions, that will ask you questions about you, your history, your family, your birth, your ancestors, your diet, your sleep, your approach to life, your goals and more, to give her a 360-degree "whole-istic' understanding of you.

​This will help guide her in guiding you on your healing journey, which may involve reading, ordering or studying functional health tests and will certainly involve you carrying out real-life experiments of your growth and knowledge.

​Cath is aiming to help you achieve your full potential, a purpose and passion that feeds you daily. Aiming to help you understand you, your body and how to get the most from yourself. After all, Cath is only the scaffolding you need to allow you to grow, heal and move forward.

Letting Flow into your life as a strategy for health and wellbeing, flourishing within and cultivating connections, compassion and creativity for positive relationships because everything is about relationships in the end.

​Cath may also use technology to assist you in practices and interventions to help you understand what is happening on a moment to moment basis, such as heart rate variability (HRV) and Cath is also likely to suggest you integrate other practices, professionals and procedures in order to get where you need to be.

What is "Psychotherapy or Coaching" and what does it look like?

Many people can worry about what they are expected to 'do' or 'say' in the room, and some people think that therapy/coaching involves a lot of crying, hard drills, and a hustle based relationship (We have TV to thank for that I believe).

Some people think that I will tell you what to do, give advice and only give you a set number of sessions with which to complete your 'journey' or 'tasks' and be 'healed/cured' and if you don't reach your milestone this is your fault. This is just not the case. You are the expert of you and my job is to help you find the spark, the missing piece, and the healer within.

All that is required from you is to turn up to your session. Where we go from there is a co-created working agreement about your progress, based on your needs and your history.

There will be questions about your health, daily habits, lifestyle, and of course how you relate to yourself. I take a four-pillar approach (Physical, Psychological, Emotional and Spiritual) to discover deeply the human I am working with, and by learning about you we develop an interpersonal relationship with which to make those changes that will create the movement forward for lasting change, and pointing you towards your highest potential.

​This approach is the same one I use for children, adolescents, and adults. All treated like a human being with the capacity to achieve, to heal, transcend, and become the best version of you.

Psychotherapy and coaching for Adults:

The format of the session is usually 50 minutes weekly for therapy, and often can be 1.5 hours for coaching. Each contract is different as coaching often occurs in a shorter timeframe, for example, six coaching sessions with a specific outcome or goal that you wish to achieve. Therapy often has a less defined outcome and takes as long as it takes.

​I ask about many facets of your life as having an understanding of how you came to be where you are today is the best indicator of how I can work with you and help you achieve your full potential. We will take into account a functional health approach to ensure the work is deep enough for your specific needs, rather than a one size fits all. You are unique and therefore our process together will reflect this. We may use technology to help hack, track, and support, and this will also be discussed and agreed upon in our sessions. We may use laboratory tests to find out what is going on in your body so we can work on that too.

Online Therapy/Coaching is a variation to face to face work

Online Therapy/Coaching is a variation to face to face work as the name suggests it is carried out online. This means that both you and I are likely to be in separate locations and using one of the many internet-ready devices that now exist.

Online Space Sessions

In this instance,​ you do not need any particular software as I use a platform whereby, I invite you to a virtual space/room and all it needs is for you to click the link I send you. Each meeting link is secure and has its own unique identifying number and means that its rather like a lock and key to the meeting time we arrange

Secure, following Data Protection Laws, GDPR and End to End Encryption for your Peace of Mind

The platform I use is secure and has end to end encryption. This coupled with the email platform I use means that your data and session content are protected. This means that you as the client do not need to pay for any software, just the sessions.

Psychotherapy for Young People:

What is Counselling for Young People?

Creative/Play Therapy

Sometimes young people need to express their issues differently to adults. They don’t always want to or are able to find the words to communicate their issue. They can show me how they feel by communicating in another way. Children and Young people often use play/creative therapy to do this.

Therapeutic Space

I provide a therapeutic space when I work with children and adults in which there is an opportunity for anyone of any age to play, draw, use creative materials, and express themselves in a safe and controlled way. With or without words.

A Model of Trauma Recovery developed and based on the Polyvagal Theory and Interpersonal Neurobiology

Catherine has developed a model of trauma recovery based on her understandings of the Polyvagal system, Trauma and Psychotherapy work from names such as:

Daniel Siegel, Stephen Porges, Ruth Lanius, Joseph Le Doux, Jaak Panksepp, Bessel van De Kolk, Bruce Perry, Louis Cozolino, Peter Levine, Pat Ogden, Norman Doidge, Richard Davidson, Rick Hanson, Gabor Mate, Allan Schore, Peter Fonagy, Sebern Fisher, Daniel Goleman, John Kabat Zinn, Judith Herman, Antonio Damasio, Ronald Seigel, Tina Bryson, Mary Hartzell, Paul Gilbert, Paul Zak, Paul Eckman, Alan Watkins, Michael Merzenich, Jamie Wheal, Stephen Kotler, Brene Brown, Kristen Neff, Scott Barry Kaufman, Richard Erskine, Ekhart Tolle, Tami Simon, Ruth Buczynski, Michael Gazzaniga, Walter Mischel, Daniel Kahneman, Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, Jeff Bland, Jim Kwik, Michael Brues, John Gray, Tim Desmond, The CO-ED Foundation and the teachings/books from many eastern traditions. My Mentor: Dr. Shania Lee

Nutrigenetics, Biofeedback, Heart Rate Variability, and gaming to hack, track, and elevate your progress? Why use this for Trauma?
What is it? How does it work? Why incorporate this into therapy/coaching?

This allows me to see the epigenetic impact of your health and wellbeing using either tests you have taken, DNA LifeTM or Omnos.meTM  systems which can then help us go deeper with functional testing, using technology to provide us with a 'plan' to hack and manage your health and wellbeing.


I use HRV software to provide real-time, evidence-based feedback so that you can see where you are at right now in your biology and have a baseline with which to gamify, improve, and monitor your progress. You will be the captain of this ship. I will explain and show you how this measurement is an indicator of health and wellbeing and we will try some exercises and interventions to help you improve the scores you see. Based on Polyvagal Theory and Neuroscience we will begin to monitor your healing journey and achieve coherence and in turn, achieve an integrated and differentiated whole-body response to life. Thus assisting you in balanced, autonomic regulation and emotional control. 

We can also use emotional intelligence software to increase your knowledge and performance in this area. Did you know there are approximately 3000 known emotions? Most people don't either! And many of these are constructed in the moment and so we need to develop a way to explain this moment by moment experience to others. So let's get learning this new language and create a new narrative for you so you can communicate like a well-versed poet, rockstar supernova! It actually turns out those of us who can communicate well have great relationships as we can be understood allowing us the space to fully listen to others and be present with them.

MINDFULNESS...Why is this here in the technology section?
Mindfulness is quite a buzzword at the moment and one that often results in a 'turn off' or perhaps even a 'scoffing' towards it. It conjures up having to sit on a cushion, singing "ohm" and chanting when this is far from how I use tech and this approach. Though as always, we can do this if you would like.

This is a particular way to pay attention and we can do this without tech, however, I happen to use Virtual Reality to assist you in doing this. Research shows that taking "time in" and being reflexive can help you understand your inner sea of emotions, thoughts, and bodily feelings, and gain mastery of yourself.

I use gaming in therapy where necessary (or asked for) as I am a clinical researcher and gaming therapist. This helps us access and understand the psyche, development, and inter/intrapersonal world using digital platforms, play, exploration, and creativity.